Grow old gracefully? What does that mean? It sounds like an oxymoron. I cannot find any such words of wisdom in the Bible; in fact, it says the opposite in such verses as Psalm 92:14 - "They will still thrive and bear fruit and prosper in old age; They will flourish and be vital and fresh," and Psalm 103:5 - "...So that your youth is renewed like the [soaring] eagle." God designs our bodies to regenerate and be renewed daily, when we are faithful stewards to nourish and take care of our vessels and cause no harm. In holistic health, the whole picture is addressed on how to take care of ourselves; how to prosper in old age and be vital and fresh. Nutrition, hydration, exercise, fresh air and sunshine, sleep and rest, reducing stress, and benevolence all play crucial roles in maintaining health and preventing or reversing disease.
Proper nutrition and moderate exercise are great foundations, but will not be enough to heal and promote optimum health. The other factors mentioned above work synergistically, and until they all become part of our daily lifestyle simultaneously, you will not be able to soar to new heights in your life. Ralph Waldo Emerson acknowledges that "In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child. In the woods is perpetual youth." Why is fresh air and sunshine in the great outdoors so important?
Oxygen is the basis of all plant and animal life. It is our most important nutrient, needed by every cell every second of every day. There are many studies documenting the correlation between air pollution, weakened immunity, increased infection, and increased risk of cancers. Common air pollutants, i.e., ammonia, carbon monoxide, cigarette smoke, ethylene, formaldehyde, methane, nitrogen oxides, along with mercury and airborne fluoride may increase the risk of lung cancer and other diseases. Indoor air pollution may be worse than outdoor air pollution due to more contamination with less dilution, especially when it comes to cigarette smoke.
Some recommendations to preserve fresh air and oxygenate your environment is to:
Hang a "no smoking" sign in your home.
Place living plants and flowers around the home.
Decrease domestic pollutants, i.e., household chemicals, and air fresheners.
Avoid outdoor industrial pollution and smoky environments.
Keep windows open to let fresh air indoors.
Breathing in toxins trigger excess free radicals in our bodies, which can cause irritation and inflammation, and chronic disease. Increasing the amount of oxygen in the body by breathing fresh air in deeply, alkalinizes the body and helps create a disease-free environment. High doses of vitamins C and E, the carotenoids, flavonoids (all phytochemicals from colorful plant foods work as antioxidants in our body), and alpha lipoic acid can increase glutathione levels and assist in neutralizing free radicals. Zinc and selenium also help detoxify the body.
Along with fresh air, sunshine is essential, as it activates the only vitamin which requires more whole-body participation than any other - Vitamin D. Known as the "sunshine" vitamin, it is manufactured in the human skin when in contact with ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) from the sun's rays. Vitamin D regulates calcium metabolism and bone formation; helps in maintaining the central nervous system, heart function, and normal blood clotting; and, suppresses overreactions of the immune system while playing a major role in the maturation of lymphocytes.
Many studies on the elderly have found vitamin D deficiencies due to confinement in their homes. The sun's action on the skin to produce vitamin D may be inhibited by pollution, clouds, clothing, window glass, skin pigmentation, and sunscreens. Our body can make all the vitamin D we need by our skin being exposed to sunlight 15 to 30 minutes every couple of days. It's important to monitor UV rays by referring to the UV index (included in weather information) during the day and avoid harmful UV rays. The index shows 0-2 as low, 3-5 as moderate and 6+ as high, and recommends sunscreen when over 3. Midday has the highest UV rating and it is best to avoid sunshine during this time unless completely protected. Skin cancer has increased substantially over the last few decades and includes one-third of cancer cases, according to some studies. The holistic health approach emphasizes moderation and balance in all things. Once this is implemented, reap the benefits of sunshine and fresh air which, like diet and exercise, work synergistically to revive body and spirit.
The next time you look in the mirror and see flawed skin, extra lines on your face (that won't wash off), sags and bulges that were not there before, and a pale droopy countenance, take a walk outdoors in God's country - in the woods, a park, by a lake or seashore, or just amongst your own garden. Seek out nature. Fill up your senses. Breathe in the fresh air deeply, smell the pine trees, grass, and flowers; listen to the birds sing, the breeze dancing through the tops of the evergreens, or to the trickling of a peaceful stream. See the blue open sky and all the beauty around you. Sometimes we walk on the earth and never see it. When was the last time you stargazed? Watched a sunrise or sunset? Enjoy outdoors every day for a week.
Now look in the mirror again. You will see rosy cheeks, bright eyes, and a healthy countenance that beams with renewed youth; a light of hope shining through like spring pushing away winter to embrace miraculous new life. Now you are ready to be an outdoor enthusiast, and grow young gracefully!